Thursday, November 29, 2012

One might ask what real difference, there is between Angry Uterus and Hostile Uterus, be sure not to ever ask that question aaround them!! Hostile Uterus is an extremely extreme personality, she is a "shoot first and ask questions later kinda gal! There is alot of dangers out in the world and she ain't having none of it!! But on her good hand, she is kind and protective and caring about those who somehow made it on her good side. She does have a vengful side, its that pasive agressive kind, where you don't find out until 10 years down the road, that she was pissed off at you! Now, Angry Uterus, is a flaming hot mess of hate. There is no pleasing her, ever!! You could, bring her cappacino with chocolate truffles, have angels playing harps and a cirus guy juggling chain saws and she will still not be happy or amused. Angry Uterus was not born angry but it sure seems like it! Most of the time Angry Uterus, get herself worked up and mad at the world, however she almost always thinks its because of something you did, or said or because you looked at her funny. Need, I mention that Angry Uterus is big on holding grudges. Yes, she is big on holding grudges, and real fond of taking revenge for being 'wronged' be it real or imagined! There is no- sissy girl fighting with Angry Uterus-- she is a prize fighter going for the big TKO!!

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