Thursday, November 29, 2012

One might ask what real difference, there is between Angry Uterus and Hostile Uterus, be sure not to ever ask that question aaround them!! Hostile Uterus is an extremely extreme personality, she is a "shoot first and ask questions later kinda gal! There is alot of dangers out in the world and she ain't having none of it!! But on her good hand, she is kind and protective and caring about those who somehow made it on her good side. She does have a vengful side, its that pasive agressive kind, where you don't find out until 10 years down the road, that she was pissed off at you! Now, Angry Uterus, is a flaming hot mess of hate. There is no pleasing her, ever!! You could, bring her cappacino with chocolate truffles, have angels playing harps and a cirus guy juggling chain saws and she will still not be happy or amused. Angry Uterus was not born angry but it sure seems like it! Most of the time Angry Uterus, get herself worked up and mad at the world, however she almost always thinks its because of something you did, or said or because you looked at her funny. Need, I mention that Angry Uterus is big on holding grudges. Yes, she is big on holding grudges, and real fond of taking revenge for being 'wronged' be it real or imagined! There is no- sissy girl fighting with Angry Uterus-- she is a prize fighter going for the big TKO!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The thought crossed my mind, that maybe some folks may not be familiar with Judy Chicago or other Feminist Artists. Judy Chicago is a talented artist and she has made many peices that I can really appreciate. There are some pieces of Femanist Art that I like alot (when I find some, they will be posted here) and alot of the work that, I have come across in this genre, are really well made and frought with symbolic meaning. Its when stuff tips the balance into more of a "therapy" art, feeling, that, to me,,, means it should stay private therapy art. I'd like to see the art that comes next, after the therapy art, when the person trancends their personal misery. Everybody already has their own personal misery staring them in the face,,,everyday, however, not everybody finds a way to rise of above it. My opinion is that I belive art should inspire and lift one up. Everywhere you turn, there is always something there to bum you out or is infuriating or a travisty. It is much harder to see and find the inspiring and something that makes you glad to be a human being. Its even harder to find creative work that makes a person glad to be female.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Another original sketch from the birth of Happy Uterus and Friends. People are all over the map when it comes to dealing with and talking about troubled Uteruses. Sometimes you gotta laugh or you'll cry-- and I rather try to laugh, whenever possible!

Monday, November 19, 2012

So far, I have not yet come across cartoons of plushies of "hostile Uterus" :) Here are a bunch of different websites presenting all kinds of Happy Uteri!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Uterus sites: --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Some of these are pretty great and since there are some many sites with a Happy Uterus,, maybe my Happy Uterus is safe to stay as she is, we will see. -------------------- Sorry the sites and paragraphs are all running together, I am still getting the hang of how the design stuff works here.
These sketches are the very first images of Happy Uterus. She is doing the "Happy Uterus Dance" in the first picture. The second pictures is of Happy Uterus going about her daily activites, taking a Nap, going for a bike ride and stuff like that! While setting up this blog, I did google seaches to see if the blog popped up. Unfortunately, what popped up several times,, before this blog was the ETSY store, for ,,,some other "Happy Uterus", hand made "stuffed Felt" uterus plushies. Geeee Wizzzzzz!!! Darn it all!! The other Happy uterus looks totally different but it was out there first. I am not sure but this Happy Uterus may need a name change. Please write in any suggestions for a new name!! Some that have already been submitted: Lil' Miss Uterus, Happy Little Uterus, the Uterati, Pretty Lil' Uterus, The Happy Uterus Friends,,,,, uggghh,, something that is different enough from the other one but not too different so current fans can still find her. Looking forward to other peoples suggestions!!
One of the key instagators in the creation of Happy Uterus,,,(KME) has been, asking,,, where in the world, the "mysterious Wondering Womb" has been and why she was absent from the, previously posted line up of characters. To that all I can say,, that she is called "the mysterious wandering womb" for a reason!!! She goes wherever she pleases to wreak havock on whoever she wants. That said, only 5 pictures can be uploaded at a time for a posting,, and she was #6,,Hikes!! Its ok, because now, MWW gets a posting all to herself. If one does a google search of "Wandering Womb", a Wealth of info can be found. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia: "The belief in the "wandering womb" was part of the teachings of Hippocrates. A description of the theory of a "wandering womb" is from Aretaeus, a physician from Cappadocia, who was a contemporary of Galen in the 2nd century. He wrote that the uterus could move out of place, and float within the body. The philosopher Plato also described the phenomenon:" "In the middle of the flanks of women lies the womb, a female viscus, closely resembling an animal; for it is moved of itself hither and thither in the flanks, also upwards in a direct line to below the cartilage of the thorax, and also obliquely to the right or to the left, either to the liver or the spleen, and it likewise is subject to prolapsus downwards, and in a word, it is altogether erratic. It delights also in fragrant smells, and advances towards them; and it has an aversion to fetid smells, and flees from them; and, on the whole, the womb is like an animal within an animal."[1] "The belief that the uterus could move freely, similar to an "animal within an animal", may have been part of ancient cultural beliefs in Greece,[2] but the earliest known written accounts of it are in the teachings of Hippocrates. The movement of the uterus was believed to cause pressure on nerves, arteries, and other organs, which in turn created symptoms of illness. This was believed to be the cause of a large number of pathologies, such as "choking, sleepiness, loss of speech, vertigo, knee problems, headaches, problems with the veins in the nose, heartburn, pulse irregularities, and death"."[3] And further on in the Wikipedia Article on "Wandering Womb": Further information: Hysteria The concept of hysteria caused by "wandering womb" continued to be taught from one generation of medical researchers to the next in Europe up until the early modern era. Medical researchers developed a better understanding of anatomy after the invention of microscopes in the 17th century and cellular research in the 19th century. However, the Hippocratic belief that women had a more fragile constitution vulnerable to irrationality and hysteria persisted. Sigmund Freud's theory of the free-floating subconscious, the "mind within the mind", was similar to the ancient belief in the "animal within the animal".[5] Both "wandering womb" and "hysteria" are obsolete medical theories that have been discredited today. Not alot of Happy UterusNess going on back in the day!

Friday, November 16, 2012

A few of the original cast of characters: Happy Uterus running a marathon to do fundraising for PAVSA'S 856 Campaign this last summer (2012, in Duluth, MN. Ever the group leader, Happy Uterus's friends;Angry Uterus, Hostile Uterus, Tilted Uterus and Holy Uterus; soon followed her to help raise funds for the cause.
Welcome to Happy Uterus and Friends!! This is the place where, Happy Uterus will be sharing all of her adventures, her friends's adventures and whatever crazy antics they might get up to! Happy Uterus was born out of a response to shocking, splat full frontal, angry, gloomy and tragic, "Vagina Art" that has been around since the seventies. Not to be hateful about that genre, it definately has its function and niche; it just does not happen to be my niche. Happy Uterus is also a response to the many different attitudes and misconceptions about women that tend to only define women by their body parts and childbearing properties. For example my Grandmother, trying to discourage me from jogging because my uterus might fall out. Or for example, the Victorian notion, of women having a host of ailments and Hysteria, due to their deviant "wandering womb". My intentions are to poke fun at misconceptions and stereo types, as well as poke fun at the everyday crazy, frustrating and joyous events that often occur in women's life. We are more than just a uterus,,nothing wrong with having one but there is more to our exhistance that the tiranny of our body parts. It just may happen that comments and concepts will be fully offensive to someone -somewhere-- most of the time. This is my blog, my happy uterus, my personal opinion and people are free to not view/read this at any time. After all, the title alone, warns everyone that everything here, will be below the belt!! Below the belt is still a rated G- in a friendly, cartoony way ofcourse!